RTE And Public Service

Sir, - RTE's decision to screen Michael Collins on Christmas Day was outrageous

Sir, - RTE's decision to screen Michael Collins on Christmas Day was outrageous. Have they no tact? Yes, it is a very good film; no, don't screen it on a joyous day. To me RTE just can't get it right. It needs fresh, new, innovative, creative ideas and programme makers.

Why does RTE not really want to deal with talent and nurture it? Why lose it to the BBC and Channel 4? Why not meet the public more often and find out what they want? Why can't they meet programme makers and discuss opportunities, openly (like TG4, BBC, Channel 4)? Why couldn't they have impressed us with a good millennium show instead of the attempt that they gave us? Why should they represent us around the world in the way they do (the woeful coverage of the solstice and the ITFA awards)?

What happened to the likes of Mailbag? I would be very keen to produce a "right to reply" weekly programme for the public to have their say. If anybody wishes to have a programme like this back on our TVs or indeed would like to tell me what type of programmes they would like to see on "our" channel, please write to me and I shall bring it up with the broadcasters. Let's make a change, together. - Yours, etc.,

Adrian Devane, 2000AD Productions, 91 Hazel Park, Newcastle, Galway.