RTE and the licence fee

Sir, - Since the acquisition of 45 per cent of TV3 by Granada, the preservation of public service broadcasting seems to be on…

Sir, - Since the acquisition of 45 per cent of TV3 by Granada, the preservation of public service broadcasting seems to be on every media commentator's lips. Let them swallow it.

It is understandable, if not axiomatic, that those with an interest, normally vested, in communication media should seek to champion it. They know what is good for us, they assure us in tones sometimes sepulchral, but always paternalistic. They warn of the dire consequences of licence-free television: interminable sitcoms, mindless gameshows, and less, or even no, home-produced quality programming. Have they so little confidence in the quality of their programming that they think it unimaginable that viewers would voluntarily pay for it? It would appear so.

The advent of digitised transmission affords RTE the opportunity to charge viewers for their programming of choice. This need not necessarily mean pay-per-view on a daily or even weekly basis, but would enable viewers to decide, on an annual basis, the programming sectors that are of interest to them, and pay appropriately.

The print media in Ireland are experiencing a growth in sales and readership. Significantly, the broadsheets have demonstrated that readers will pay for content and informed comment. When will the electronic media find the same self-confidence? - Yours, etc.,


Eugene Falconer, Ballina, Co Tipperary.