This week they said

Squalid, murderous gang warfare.

Squalid, murderous gang warfare.

- The Northern Secretary, Mr Peter Mandelson, of the UDA-UVF feud

Nobody who is participating and organising this gives two hoots for God and Ulster. It is about who controls turf and who controls the drugs trade.

- Mr Ken Maginnis, UUP security spokesman


Any ex-prisoner who is out is not totally free. They are put out on licence and any individual who breaks their licence, they know the consequences.

- Mr Mandelson, shortly before sending Johnny Adair back to prison

You confront parents who deny it, say the kid fell down the stairs or off their bike, and you're left with your hands up in the air. You end up with a standoff situation. There are no witnesses, and it's our word against theirs.

- Dr Peter Keenan, a consultant paediatrician at Temple Street Children's Hospital, who has reported an upsurge in the physical abuse of children

Maybe for the first time, we might stop and give priority to those who never have enjoyed a slice of the cake but who have always been forced to feed on crumbs from their master's table.

- The Bishop of Elphin, Dr Christopher Jones, speaking at Knock last weekend

We are trying to keep growth in rural Ireland, and they want to close it down and make us live like rats on top of each other . . . An Taisce are like the Ku Klux Klan.

- Cllr Michael Healy-Rae, son of Jackie Healy-Rae

He was the most dangerous man in Ireland. Sure he pulled a gun on two of his family and threatened to blow them away when he was 19 years old.

- An associate of Mr Nicholas O'Hare, a leading INLA figure, who was shot dead in Dundalk last weekend

It's a terrible tragedy for the entire family. We have never experienced a shock of this kind in our lives.

- Ms Sofia Vesilova, of her grandson, Sergei Yerakhtin, a senior lieutenant aboard the Kursk

All he has done is tell the truth.

- Annie Machon, former MI5 officer David Shayler's girlfriend

I am Latin and very macho. I don't like dominant women who want to wear the trousers at home. Nor, when I am with other men, do I like women who show up their men. It is not a problem for my wife. She knows just to listen.

- Footballer David Ginola