For all of us, the will of the people is sovereign

For all of us, the will of the people is sovereign. They have spoken at the ballot box, the ultimate democratic forum, and the Government accepts their verdict. - The Taoiseach, Mr Cowen, amid speculation that other EU leaders wish Ireland to hold a second Lisbon Treaty referendum.

Without the Lisbon Treaty there will be no enlargement. - French president Nicolas Sarkozy has a stark message for Ireland and the rest of the EU.

I am not going to force MPs to back Lisbon and I wouldn't bet 100 crowns on a Czech Yes. - Czech prime minister Mirek Topolánek says his country is by no means certain to ratify Lisbon.

If a humanitarian base is attacked, and we were, logic tells you they should have protected us. - Annette Rehrl, a spokeswoman for the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), criticises Irish troops in Chad, saying they should have prevented rebels from threatening staff at gunpoint and looting their offices during a recent attack.


To come out with this kind of hugely expensive and over-the-top burger and to have 80 million people going to bed hungry every night is just to shoot yourself in the foot. - David Tucker of War on Want, the anti-poverty group, as Burger King launches a $200 (€128) burger, consisting of Japanese-style Wagyu, Italian truffles and Spanish cured ham.

This could revolutionise transport. - The mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoe, unveils a green scheme under which the city is to provide electric cars that drivers can pick up and drop off wherever they like.