This Week They Said

If progress is to be made, it is first essential to establish the institutions

If progress is to be made, it is first essential to establish the institutions. All the indications are that the decommissioning of paramilitary weapons, however desirable as a confidence-building measure on its own merits, will not take place in advance of the establishment of the institutions.

- The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern

The only thing that will make a difference in terms of the present deadlock is IRA decommissioning.

- Jeffrey Donaldson, the anti-agreement MP, who, it is reported, is about to rejoin the UUP negotiating team


Don't fool yourself that it is about the issue of decommissioning. It's about more than that. It's because they don't want to see a Fenian in government.

- Sinn Fein senior negotiator, Martin McGuinness, of "rejectionist" elements within unionism

I have never regarded June 30th as a deadline; a target date, but not a deadline.

- David Trimble, UUP leader

Secretaries of State for Northern Ireland get used to being attacked by virtually everyone. There is nothing new in that.

- Tony Blair, of David Trimble's implicit call for Mo Mowlam's sacking

From our point of view in Sinn Fein, we - and maybe people think that this is a fault - only like to ask the question when we have a fair idea of what the answer is going to be. The danger is that asking the question and getting a negative could actually be detrimental to the type of work which we are involved in.

- Martin McGuinness, Sinn Fein, asked if he had formally requested the IRA to decommission

Some day we may just fall and fall into that abyss, and nobody may see the point in trying to catch us. There has been delay and prevarication for a year. As the deadline approaches, I hope that all parties realise just what is at stake and pull back from the abyss.

- The Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, Seamus Mallon

We're politicians and we're in the business of optimism, and we would like to think we will conclude our talks finally to the great advantage and benefit of Ireland on June 30th.

- The Minister for Foreign Affairs, David Andrews

An extraordinarily gifted . . . and brilliant man of politics with an enormous ability to connect to the American people.

- The US Independent Counsel, Kenneth Starr, of President Clinton

A decision was apparently made by Dublin Corporation in January of this year to place the property in question on List 1 of the development plan. I was not informed of the decision.

- Hotelier and property developer Noel O'Callaghan, who is to rebuild Archer's Garage, which his company demolished

1999 is turning out to be a disastrous year, an annus horribilis, for modern architecture in Ireland. Not only is Archer's gone, but we have An Bord Pleanala sanctioning an obtrusive extension to the original terminal at Dublin Airport, and Pelican House is also under threat.

- Shane O'Toole, chairman of the Irish branch of Docomomo, the international association for the documentation and conservation of modern movement buildings

This was a victory for everyone, a victory for the allies, but also a victory for Russia over herself.

- Jacques Chirac, French President, on the Kosovo peace deal

I am among my friends now . . . The most important thing is to mend ties after a fight.

- An ebullient Boris Yeltsin at the G8 summit

As long as he [Milosevic] remains at large, there is no statute of limitations.

- President Clinton on bringing the Serbian leader to justice

He is a very quiet and inoffensive person.

- Veteran republican Martin Meehan, of the Brighton bomber, Patrick Magee, after his early release from prison

As long as he didn't make himself objectionable to other guests or staff, people like himself are always welcome.

- The manager of the Grand Hotel, Brighton, asked if he would welcome Mr Magee as a guest

Boy, we have times, believe me. But we're staying together. I adore Tom. Happiness isn't a constant. It comes and goes. It's something you work at. Tom is a very kind man and kindness is a big thing.

- Nicole Kidman, dispelling reports that her marriage to Tom Cruise is in trouble

While part of our country is still occupied by British troops, no welcome should be given to these warmongers.

- Cllr Larry O'Toole, Sinn Fein, of the visit by a British warship, HMS Monmouth, to Dublin