This Week They Said

I had a sadistic side that liked to watch guys squirm over me because a lot of them thought they were so great

I had a sadistic side that liked to watch guys squirm over me because a lot of them thought they were so great. I got a kick out of deflating their egos. - Cameron Diaz, once a supermodel, now an actress

I'm a Scorpio, so if anyone crosses me, they know about it. I completely wipe them out of my life. I'm Tipp-Ex Man. - Comedian Sean Hughes

I've got GCSEs in music and in life and you don't get them from school. You get them from eating your porridge. - Liam Gallagher of Oasis, whose long-awaited third album was released this week

We simply can't give roasted swans to the public this season. - Derek Deane, artistic director of English National Ballet, who has ordered dancers not to sunbathe ahead of their production of Swan Lake


Biographies of minor politicians do not sell well and William Hague is a minor politician. - Andrew Franklin of Profile Books

Work, work, work. It's impossible to get the boys to do a decent day's work these days. - The principal of the co-educational Abbey Vocational School, Donegal town, J.J. Harvey, on why girls there fared better in the Leaving Certificate

As I see it, there is only one certainty in life. That is that God is compassionate and He welcomes us, warts and all. - Father Liam Hickey, at the funeral Mass of Catherine and Carl Doyle, murdered in their home in Co Roscommon.

Are you one of those boring activists as well? Because if you are I'm not talking to you. - Louis Walsh, manager of Boyzone, after he was asked by an Irish Times reporter about the band's plans to include Indonesia in a tour of south-east Asia