Podcast: Bank of Ireland’s share package to bypass bonus restrictions

This week's podcast is focussed on stock market and banking news

Listen | 38:41
CRH, the largest company on the Iseq, will move its primary stock listing to the US. Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons

Ciaran Hancock is joined by Aidan Donnelly, Head of Equities at Davy and Joe Brennan, Markets Correspondent with The Irish Times on this week’s Inside Business podcast.

  • It is reporting season, so news is emerging about the performance and intentions of Irish plcs. And some are indicating plans to shift their main stock market listing to the United States. Why is this happening and what does it mean for Irish operations?
  • Irish banks are posting healthy figures, and Bank of Ireland has a plan to bypass the ban on bonuses. Will others follow suit?
  • What can we expect from the next European Central Bank meeting - will interest rates rise again?

Inside Business is produced in association with EY Ireland.