Beijing correspondent Denis Staunton on this week's podcast

Listen | 38:35
President Joe Biden meets with President Xi Jinping of China ahead of the G20 meeting in Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 14, 2022. At the meeting, China and the United States showed how global summits are an arena for great powers to compete, with implications for the war in Ukraine and Asia’s future. (Doug Mills/The New York Times)

“After months of rising tensions between Washington and Beijing amid talk of economic decoupling and a new cold war, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping sought in Bali to turn down the heat” wrote Irish Times China Correspondent Denis Staunton about this week’s G20 summit.

Denis joins Hugh to talk about how the relationship between China and the West is evolving on this week’s podcast.

But first Denis gives his early impressions of life in China, having taken up the role of China Correspondent this autumn.