Harry and Meghan: ‘It’s like a Shakespearean drama for 2022’

The former royals give a fascinating insight into their new life and why they left their old one behind

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The six-part series details the couple's love story and the challenges they faced along the way

The final three episodes of Harry and Meghan’s tell-all documentary series on Netflix have finally been released.

With new revelations about the couple’s life together and shocking accusations against the British press and the royal ‘institution’, the series has been watched by millions of people over the last seven days.

“It’s like a Shakespearean drama for 2022,” said Irish Times columnist Jennifer O’Connell speaking about the series on the latest episode of The Women’s Podcast.

“It has all these universal themes of sibling rivalry, love, loss and redemption,” she added.


Also on the podcast to dissect the six-part series and the ongoing royal drama was broadcaster Sarina Bellissimo.

Together with presenter Róisín Ingle, they discuss the “fundamental irony” of the couple’s decision to leave their life as royals under the media spotlight, only to showcase their entire story in a tell-all documentary.