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Are there regulations stopping me from keeping bins in the front garden?

Property Clinic: Do I need to have a storage shed for wheelie bins?

Log on to the planning section of your local authority website and search for your property using your unique planning reference number. Photograph: iStock

Is it permissible to keep wheelie bins in the front garden of a house, without any storage shed or structure? Or are there regulations that a homeowner should be aware of?

While generally speaking wheelie bins are not buildings or structures and are not in themselves subject to planning permission, it would be prudent to do a bit of digging before you can put the question to rest. Log on to the planning section of your local authority website and search for your property using your unique planning reference number. If you don’t know your reference number use the handy map tool to find the reference(s) or contact the planning department and they’ll assist you.

Brigid Browne. Photograph: Andres Poveda

Bike shed in front garden ‘detrimental’ to Victorian home setting, planners ruleOpens in new window ]

You may have to broaden your search if you are part of a bigger estate development. Use the reference number to search for the schedule of conditions and the drawings associated with the permission. The first condition on pretty much every schedule of conditions is to comply with the drawings and details submitted to the planning office. So, look through all drawings and see if there’s an area allocated for bin/refuse storage.

Then, go to the schedule of conditions on the planning grant to see if there’s a reference to bin/refuse storage. If an area is allocated then you know the requirements, if not, then it’s looking good but you’ll need to extend your search outside planning requirements. You may have entered into a community contract where placement of bins on your property is subject to localised bylaws within your specific estate.


Brigid Browne is a chartered building surveyor and a member of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland

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