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The Lighter Side: Musicals, Dalkey and a glass of vino on the Thames

Julie Ennis is CEO, corporate services and energy & resources – UK & Ireland, at Sodexo

Sodexo's Julie Ennis: 'With the lines blurred between the office and home it can be hard to achieve a work-ilfe balance – but I try'

What business person do you most admire?

I’d have to say Anne Heraty, former CEO of CPL. She is an inspirational leader and a true trailblazer. One of the things I admire most about Anne is she is so generous with her time and is passionate about supporting others’ progress.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Ooh, I’d have to say a good musical but I can’t tell you which one is my favourite. Let’s just say it involves aliens.

How do you unwind?

On the river. I’m lucky to live pretty close to the Thames so a cruise along the river with a glass of wine just cannot be beaten. I’m also consumed with ladies’ soccer now. Since the Euros it’s become a passion so I try to support as much as I can.

How much money is in your wallet?

None. I don’t carry cash. It’s probably since the days of being in banking. I’m the world’s worst when it comes to ever having cash. My partner, thankfully, makes up for me.


The last book you read?

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, by Marshall Goldsmith. I’m probably quite boring when it comes to reading – I always tend to go for business books.

What is the best business advice you’ve ever been given?

To back myself. If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re probably right.

How do you manage your work-life balance?

Not very well, I’m still learning. And with the lines blurred between the office and home it can be even harder – but I try.

The last film you watched?

My Son on Netflix. I like a good thriller and I’d highly recommend it.

What is your favourite possession?

My animals. We have a dog and two cats, and I honestly don’t know what life would be like without them. They are so much fun and fill the house with pure joy.

What’s your most memorable holiday ever?

Thailand and Vietnam. We did it last year and it was amazing. To experience the culture, the food, the history, the service and such a different world was fantastic.

What social media do you use?

LinkedIn and Facebook mostly.

If money were no object, what would your fantasy purchase be?

A villa with a jetty (and boat) on the water somewhere with winter sun.

What is the first website you look at every morning?

Sky News. I’m always watching Sky News, particularly first thing and last thing each day. I just want to know what’s happening in the world and find Sky the best way to do that.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Definitely an early bird. I go to bed quite early and I seem to get worse the older I get. That being said, I do like a good night out, so I can make an exception.

If you were taoiseach for a day what would you do?

Give the role back.

What person do you most admire?

My better half, Donna. She is always happy, always chatty, constantly making friends and plans, and does everything for me. I’m very lucky.

What’s your favourite place in Dublin and why?

Dalkey. It’s where my late dad grew up. I find it so peaceful and quaint. Being beside the sea is special, so I suppose anywhere along the Killiney to Sandycove route.

Anything you would like to plug?

Sodexo, for sure. We deliver workplace services, facilities management and food services to some of the world’s most recognisable brands. We operate across most sectors – manufacturing, professional services and financial services, pharmaceuticals, media and technology, to name a few.

Because we bring specialism that is centred on curating the best employee experiences, our clients partner with us, leaving them to focus on their core business.

For more information see ie.sodexo.com