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Dermot Bannon's top tips for first-time buyers

Architect Dermot Bannon talks us through the passion behind buying your first home

In the first in a series from Bank of Ireland, architect Dermot Bannon takes us through his essential guide to buying your first home

Over the next six weeks The Irish Times will run a series of articles in association with Bank of Ireland designed to make your first home purchase as simple and pain free as possible. Focusing on the mortgage process, positive solutions and expert advice around complicated choices, the series aims to be a toolbox for first-time buyers.

We launch today with Dermot Bannon’s top tips for new home buyers and follow later this week with the essential guide to saving your deposit.

With a competition, reader event and expert features in print and online, the Bank of Ireland mortgage series for First-Time Buyers aims to get you on the first rung of the housing ladder.

Architect Dermot Bannon talks us through the passion and drive behind buying your first home

The Bank of Ireland series, running over the next five weeks on irishtimes.com, includes features on:


Saving for a deposit
Top tips from on how to buy a home
Mortgage advice
The mortgage journey
... and more

Bank of Ireland