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Innovation at the forefront of the Business Energy Achievement Awards 2021

Ireland continues to lead the way in a sector full of growth and potential

The winners were announced to a live virtual audience at a ceremony hosted by broadcaster and comedian Colm O’Regan. The Awards were supported by Amarach Research.

Sustainability and energy efficiency continue to be a priority for businesses across Irish industry. Innovation, growth and evolution were key at this year’s Business Energy and Achievement Awards, where finalists showed that they led by example.

A wide range of industries were well represented across the 11 prestigious awards handed out at the inaugural ceremony on December 8th.

With over 20 companies entering the Awards, Irish businesses executed some very impressive and innovative projects.

The winners were announced to a live virtual audience at a ceremony hosted by broadcaster and comedian Colm O’Regan. The Awards were supported by Amarach Research.


One of the trophies handed out on the day went to Wyeth Nutritionals Ireland Ltd. Their factory manager, Roberto Tambosso said; “Sustainability is embedded throughout our whole value chain, from farm to fork, to mitigate climate change. Every day, we strive for continuous improvement in reducing our carbon footprint, creating energy and water efficiencies as part of Nestle’s global ambition for net zero.”

Another winner was Irish Water. sustainability lead, Charlie Coakley said; “Irish Water was delighted to be recognised for its commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency improvement is a key measure of our climate change policy as we work to safeguard water supplies and protect the environment. As one of the largest public sector users of energy, Irish Water is rising to the challenge of climate breakdown and the biodiversity crisis, aiming for net zero carbon by 2040.”

And Gas Networks Ireland joined this year’s finalists with their sustainability manager, Anne Moore saying; “We were delighted to be shortlisted for the Best Energy Achievement in Utilities award which is a wonderful acknowledgement of what Gas Networks Ireland achieved in exceeding the energy saving within the public sector target of 33 per cent by 2020, with 46 per cent energy savings across our offices and fleet.”

Head of judging, Darragh Feirritear said; ‘A full online broadcast of the live event has added a new dimension to the awards ceremony. Entrants to the awards can receive comprehensive video collateral of their engagement on the night now and this is of huge value in their own social media and communications activity.’

Judges feedback reports are now also provided. They give finalists information on how their entries faired against their competitors. This data provides insights on where improvements are needed to win more consistently at the awards.

The full list of the 2021 winners is:

Covid-19 Crisis Response Award

Winner: An Post

Best Energy Achievement in Utilities

Winner: Irish Water

Best Energy Achievement in Manufacturing

Winner: Sustainable Energy Program and Initiatives - Viatris Little Island

Best Energy Manager

Winner: Finbarr Power - An Post

Best Energy Achievement in Pharmaceuticals

Winner: Pfizer, Grange Castle

Best Energy Achievement in Retail

Winner: Aldi Ireland

Best Energy Achievement in Public Sector

Winner: Irish Water

Best Energy Achievement in Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality

Winner: Falls Hotel & Spa

Best Energy Management Team

Winner: Wyeth Nutritionals

Energy Leader 2021

Recipient: Dublin Airport

Overall Energy Achievement Award

Winner: Aldi Ireland

The 2021 judging panel was comprised of:

  • Aidan Byrne, sustainability & utilities manager, Aviva Stadium
  • Michael Dodd, financial accountant & energy manager, An Garda Síochána
  • Dr. Niall Dunphy, director, Cleaner Production Promotion Unit, University College Cork
  • Dr. Breffní Lennon, research fellow, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Ireland
  • Ian O Connor, group energy manager, John Sisk & Son