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Fund administration conference returns to Trinity College for its second year

Adminovate is a one-day event that aims to highlight opportunities facing local industry

Last year’s Adminovate: the conference returns for its second year on January 17th at Trinity. Photograph: Adminovate.ie

Ireland's only conference for operations in the fund administration industry will return to Trinity College Dublin this January 17th for its second year. Aimed at highlighting the opportunities facing the local industry, the one-day conference will bring together more than 300 delegates from asset managers, fund administrators, fintech start-ups, and service providers, to learn and share perspectives and kick-start the next wave of innovation in fund administration to safeguard Ireland's industry-leading position.

Founded in 2018 by industry experts from fund software company, Fund Recs and advisory firm, Norio Ventures, Adminovate is a direct response to the issues and opportunities facing the industry in 2019 including Brexit, talent retention, new regulation and disruptive innovation. Its speakers will discuss such issues through formal address, Q&As, panels and networking-focused recreational opportunities on the day.

Not-for-profit conference

Adminovate is a not-for-profit conference with all of its profits being donated to basis.point and TAP (Trinity access programmes).

Meanwhile, Enterprise Ireland’s fintech department will hold Appetite for Disruption, an event focused on disruption and innovation in the tech and financial services industry. It will be held on February 12th – the day before the European Financial Forum, an IDA-led event, takes place.


The EFF is a large international event with prominent guest speakers, and attendees can use their times in Ireland to also take part in a series of meetings and conferences at Appetite for Disruption.