Added Time: What can be done about worrying trends at schools rugby matches?

Malachy Clerkin and Gavin Cummiskey are joined by former referee Owen Doyle

Twickenham week in the Six Nations and all of a sudden, a Triple Crown is at stake. Who are England now, exactly? Are they the team that beat New Zealand in the World Cup semi-final or are they about to lose their third test match in four games? Gerry Thornley and Gavin Cummiskey tease it all out in studio.

Former international referee Owen Doyle got a huge reaction to his column in the Irish Times last week on supporter behaviour at schools rugby matches. He joins us in studio to talk about the latest worrying trends, Garda intervention and what can be done. While we have him, we drill down into some of the refereeing in the Six Nations so far and look ahead to what faces Jaco Peyper at Twickenham on Saturday.

Throw in a trip to Wexford to see a mad, mad day’s hurling and that’s your Monday Added Time, with Malachy Clerkin and Gavin Cummiskey.

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