Amateur face tough test

THE World Amateur Snooker Championships get under way in New Zealand tomorrow, with Ireland's two representatives, Joe Canny …

THE World Amateur Snooker Championships get under way in New Zealand tomorrow, with Ireland's two representatives, Joe Canny and Billy O'Neill, needing to win tough matches in their respective groups if they are to progress to the knockout stages.

Canny, a former professional from Celbridge, finished fourth in this event in 1992 and would appear to be the better prospect of the pair because of his experience as a professional. His group also looks to be somewhat easier to negotiate than that of the Carlow man.

Canny, the Irish champion, kicks off his campaign tomorrow when he takes on Denmark's Rune Kampe. He then plays nine further, matches over a week and a half, after which he needs to be one of the top two in his group to progress.

O'Neill takes on Anan Terananon, of Thailand, in what promises to be a particularly difficult opener tomorrow. That match is quickly followed by matches against local player Henry Killian, and the very experienced David Bell of Wales.

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone is Work Correspondent at The Irish Times