Avoca can expect another close game

AFTER their testing passage at Glenanne on Wednesday, Avoca may well feel relieved to be back on top of the Leinster Senior League…

AFTER their testing passage at Glenanne on Wednesday, Avoca may well feel relieved to be back on top of the Leinster Senior League table. If still a little lightweight compared to last season, the Blackrock club at least have Galahad Goulet and Anton Scott in full service again while JP Murphy - though on standby should anyone withdraw from the Irish squad going to Kuala Lumpur - will be keen to play in a key match against Pembroke Wanderers at Serpentine Avenue tomorrow.

It is also a boost for Avoca that their New Zealand international, Paul Derham, will be returning to Dublin after the World Cup tournament in Malaysia.

As regards the league title, Avoca have dropped the fewest points, five, while both Pembroke and defending champions Three Rock have let six slip. A 2-2 draw was the outcome of the Avoca Pembroke match in October when both sides were at full strength.

Pembroke, after missing five leading figures in their Mills Cup elimination by Glenanne, probably will have Francis de Rosa and Andy Cooke back in action tomorrow. It is bound to be another close match, though Stephen Kinsella could play a significant role if he copes as expertly with Stephen Stewart's set pieces as he did in confining Stephen Butler to one goal on Wednesday.


Three Rock, meanwhile, having joined the technological mainstream with their new short corner technique and video recording equipment, seem determined to bring off the league and cup double. They will be expected to take the points from Portrane at Dardistown though the northsiders showed in defeating Railway Union last Saturday that they are fighting the threat of relegation.

For this reason, YMCA, in slight danger but with Michael Fry capable of vintage strikes, will not surrender easily to Glenanne at St Mark's. Yet, if the home side desist from disagreeing with umpires, their fitness and direct play may well yield further dividends.

Glenanne, indeed, may offer a challenge in the Leinster indoor cup final in the National Basketball Arena on Sunday. The draw favours them reaching the final, whereas Avoca, the R F Brown Trophy holders, are destined to meet Malt Bechmann's Three Rock selection in the semi finals.