Clubs to vote on FAI transfer

National League : National League clubs are voting this morning on proposals to hand control of the Eircom League to the FAI…

National League: National League clubs are voting this morning on proposals to hand control of the Eircom League to the FAI for revamping and restructuring ahead of the 2007 season.

Indications suggest the two-thirds majority required to carry the proposal forward for vote at a special general meeting of the clubs in February will be obtained, though the meeting is expected to be fractious.

While some top-flight sides have reservations, many First Division clubs feel they will become even poorer relations to their Premier Division rivals.

The FAI is asking all 22 clubs to approve their "declaration of intent" to terminate the league in its current form at the end of the 2006 season and establish a new entity in 2007.


Such a move, if passed, would mean no relegation or promotion this season, and clubs would be invited to apply for membership to the new league.

The FAI intends keeping the two-tiered divisional structure.

Strict criteria, however, will govern clubs seeking admission, and it is this area that is proving most controversial.

"The FAI is suggesting doing away with promotion this season," says Monaghan United manager Mick Cooke. "So if there is a club that has invested heavily in a bid for promotion will the FAI refund them?

"Monaghan very much want to be a part of the Irish football structure but we first need to see where we are going. The proposals are very vague. If clubs like ours are pushed aside how do we get sponsorship?

"Nobody knows what's around the corner."

Aside from league positions, the document circulated to clubs during the week fails to outline precisely what criteria will be used to establish which clubs join the Premier and First Divisions.

Club facilities, support levels and potential to attract investment are expected to be the focus of selection criteria.