Dutch prove beautiful game is alive and well

THERE HAVE been prophets of doom and gloom about international football for years, similar in many ways to those always predicting…

THERE HAVE been prophets of doom and gloom about international football for years, similar in many ways to those always predicting the Irish economy's imminent demise. Any day now.

The victory and style of the Greek team in Euro 2004 has been a contributing factor, while the spiteful behaviour seen in the World Cup final between France and Italy suggested further regression. With the relentless march of the Champions League and its cash-rich importance, the hype and spin of the English Premier League in our own vicinity, the relevance of the national team game has been placed under pressure from the owners and coaches of the mega-rich clubs.

Thankfully, after 20 games of Euro 2008 some form of redemption appears to be at hand. Those of us who treasure international football have been heartened to see the multitude of supporters who have landed in Austria and Switzerland and equally the millions around the world who can only be enthralled by the excellent standard of play thus far.

Indeed, the tournament has already seen a renaissance of attacking styles and reward for the positive approach. The much maligned administration and officials of Uefa and Fifa deserve credit for the rule changes and changing interpretations since the sterile 1990 World Cup - namely the back pass and evolvement of offside that makes it more advantageous to strikers while forcing defenders to reassess their ways.


I have always respected the standard of international refereeing (with the exception of one particular Greek gentleman who was at Lansdowne Road for the Israel qualifier during my time as Ireland manager). In this tournament the conditioning and preparation of referees is at another level.

Okay, there have been a few decisions like Ruud van Nistelrooy's goal against Italy which lacked common sense but the bravery of Howard Webb to give Austria the last-minute penalty against Poland looks like a watershed moment.

How many times do you see an attacker being jostled or held for a corner or free kick in a densely populated penalty area with nothing coming from it except a straight-forward clearance? Mariusz Lewandowski tugged Sebastian Prödl's shirt and Webb awarded a penalty. Simple, but the message should now continue to resonate for defenders all over the world. That's why decisions in major tournaments are so crucial to the global game.

Far from being immune to the thoughts of football connoisseurs and coaches, Uefa have always been open to discussion regarding the progress of the game. I have been exposed first hand to the process and while it is a long- winded route from discussion to committee to actual rule change it does occur.

The emphasis on attack and a more positive approach, with the exception of Turkey and Greece, until it was too late, has led to 39 goals in the first 16 games. Okay, the defences have been suspect at times and that will undoubtedly improve, but some of the attacking excellence, particularly from the Netherlands, has been a pleasure to behold.

Interestingly, only five goals have been scored as a result of corners and none from free-kicks, with just three penalties. This can be put down to the detail of set-piece defensive planning at this level.

The international game's importance will continue to be eroded by the financial element of club football, but the presence at this major tournament of the intermingling supporters is the most important aspect; whether it is to celebrate, drown sorrows, commiserate, exchange views and stories in the most joyous way possible before, during and after games.

This is in contrast to club football where long-standing tribal warfare seems to always be at the forefront of most major rivalries.

As the quarter-finals loom, let's pray the inventive and speedy attacking approach continues to feature.

Anyway, I have a train to catch to Basle. One of my favourite football destinations!