Foran's move next

The rumours surrounding the future of Shelbourne's Richie Foran could probably fill half a supplement this week

The rumours surrounding the future of Shelbourne's Richie Foran could probably fill half a supplement this week. First up he found himself linked with West Ham after he spent three days training at the club, then Leicester City were reported to have put in a bid of anywhere between £100,000 and £250,000 for the young striker, depending on which paper you read, before Manchester United, Celtic, Middlesbrough and Derby County found their names being mentioned in `Foran for England' dispatches.

Meanwhile Stan Collymore is on the loose again and may be Celtic bound, although we reckon Jupiter Rovers would be the right club for him. Ronaldo, we've learnt, will arrive at Manchester United as soon as he can walk again - United's multi-zillion pound deal with Nike, also Ronaldo's sponsors, will see to it, apparently. Ugo Ehiogu is all set for Spurs . . . although after witnessing their defensive display against Leeds he might be tempted to stay put at Villa Park.