Eamonn Burns appointed Down senior football manager

Former senior manager James McCartan takes over county minors

Eamonn Burns was ratified as new Down senior manager at a meeting of the county committe. Photograph: Inpho.

Eamonn Burns is the new Down football manager. At a meeting of the county commitee on Thursday night he was, as expected, ratified as successor to Jim McCorry and will name his management team next week.

Burns, from the Bryansford club, was a member of both the county’s most recent All-Ireland winning sides in 1991 and ‘94, playing centrefield in the former and at wing back in the latter.

He served as selector in former team-mate James McCartan’s management in 2013 and ‘14. McCartan has made a return to county management and was named as the new minor manager at the same meeting.

Seán Moran

Seán Moran

Seán Moran is GAA Correspondent of The Irish Times