Bryson DeChambeau needs to learn how to shout ‘fore’

Player appeared to strategically hit towards gallery without warning on Saturday

Bryson DeChambeau plays a chip shot from the gallery area on the 13th hole during the final round of the US Open. Photo: Harry How/Getty Images

He just can’t help himself, can he? The “he” in question is, again, the man with the acronym of B.A.D., as in Bryson Aldrich DeChambeau . . . . and his inability to shout out a one syllable warning of danger: “FORE!”

It is not as much an issue on the PGA European Tour nor on either of the main women’s circuits, the LET and the LPGA Tour. However, Mr DeChambeau is not alone of those on the PGA Tour who seem to have an aversion to letting rip with their vocal chords to let people know when a golf ball is travelling their way at speed.

There were a number of instances at play in the US Open at Torrey Pines but the one that truly sent shivers down the spines of anyone watching on television was DeChambeau’s play of the fourth hole in Saturday’s third round where he seemingly intentionally hit his tee-shot down the right and into the spectators as part of his playing strategy.

Of course there wasn’t any shout to warn of possible danger to those spectators oblivious to Dechambeau’s play of the hole and fortunately nobody got injured. However, the backlash to DeChambeau on social media platforms spoke volumes of how his actions outraged viewers and, hopefully, one of his sponsors might make overtures to make him cop on. After all, it is getting to the point of hurting their branding. What’s the P on his cap for?


And it did seem ironic that the USGA - one of the rules governing bodies for golf, along with the R&A - didn’t appear to take any action against the player. Not just DeChambeau, but anyone guilty of keeping their mouths shut when aware that a ball - intentionally or unintentionally - is headed towards someone’s head or body.

Why ironic? Well, the Rules of Golf are quite clear on how players “are expected to play in the spirit of the game.” As early as the very first rule, there is a reference to “showing consideration to others - for example, by playing at a prompt pace, looking out for the safety of others, and not distracting the play of another player.”

Presumably “looking out for the safety of others” includes the act of shouting out a warning call to those in the line of fire? Someone should have a not so quiet word in DeChambeau’s ear to make him aware of the responsibility he has when firing missiles into the crowd and calmly bending to pick up his tee rather than shouting the most important four letter word in golf.