Hand match to go on

Eoin Hand's testimonial game at Tolka Park next Tuesday is to go ahead even though the former Republic of Ireland manager is …

Eoin Hand's testimonial game at Tolka Park next Tuesday is to go ahead even though the former Republic of Ireland manager is in a Dublin hospital recuperating from a serious illness.

Hand (50), who returned from South Africa earlier in the summer, was recently admitted to the Mater Hospital, where he underwent an operation last Friday.

He is not expected to leave hospital within the next week, but, in deference to the wishes of his family, the game, in which the Republic of Ireland takes on the National League, will go ahead.

This is the first time in more than 20 years that home-based players have had the opportunity of testing their skills against the national team, and among those endorsing the fixture is Jack Charlton.


Charlton, who succeeded Hand as manager in 1986, said: "I've said it before, Eoin Hand did a very good job for Irish football during his time in charge. Unfortunately, he didn't get the breaks when he needed them most, but that shouldn't detract from the job he did. I am saddened to hear about his illness."