Hi-tech fitness centre goes on the road

The National Coaching and Training Centre (NCTC) has launched its Mobile Fitness Testing Unit to provide on-site testing, information…

The National Coaching and Training Centre (NCTC) has launched its Mobile Fitness Testing Unit to provide on-site testing, information and advice across the country. The unit will set out to bring the activities and expertise of the centre to squads, clubs, individuals and educational institutions at the grassroots of Irish sport.

Demonstrating the testing unit at Lansdowne Road yesterday, NCTC director Pat Duffy was hopeful the facility will fulfil many of the testing and training programs that the national centre provides. "The NCTC has prided itself in putting the needs of coaches and athletes on the top of its agenda," he said. "Through consultation with athletes and national governing bodies around the country we have highlighted the need to develop sport at a local level and this unit makes that so much more practical."

The testing unit will initially be on the road three days a week, with a county by county marketing plan currently being developed. The mini-van will contain an impressive range of testing facilities in areas of strength, speed, stamina and suppleness.

Ian O'Riordan

Ian O'Riordan

Ian O'Riordan is an Irish Times sports journalist writing on athletics