Ireland pile on runs but still lose

Ireland's Under-19 team achieved their highest total in the competition so far, yet lost by four wickets to Kenya with only eight…

Ireland's Under-19 team achieved their highest total in the competition so far, yet lost by four wickets to Kenya with only eight balls left in the Plate League of the World Youth Cup at Fochville Stadium near Johannesburg yesterday. Ireland batted first, but Kenya made an early breakthrough when Jonathan Bushe was out with only three runs on the board. However, good contributions followed from Carl Hosford (47), Ed Joyce (29) and Brian Dunlop (28), even though the Irish narrowly failed to bat out the full 50 overs.

Keith Spellman and Dwayne McGerrigle quickly removed both openers and Kenya were struggling on 10 for two. Thereafter, Ireland's bowlers had to work hard; though Spellman with one for 28 off 10 and Simon Harrison with two for 42 performed well.