Istabraq returned 'stiff'

RACING: Aidan O'Brien yesterday revealed that Istabraq came home "a little bit stiff" after his work out at Leopardstown last…

RACING: Aidan O'Brien yesterday revealed that Istabraq came home "a little bit stiff" after his work out at Leopardstown last week.

The champion hurdler, who will bid for a historic fourth title next Tuesday, did a highly publicised piece of exercise at the Co Dublin track a week ago.

The day out silenced many of the rumours that had circulated around Istabraq since his sole start of the season at Christmas and the JP McManus-owned star remains on course for the Cheltenham Festival next week.

O'Brien said yesterday: "He did come back a little bit stiff after Leopardstown. But it was nothing really that you wouldn't expect from a horse that has been in training for nine years.


"He is cantering away and the major work is done now. It's hard to compare his fitness with other years because his routine is differrent this year. But we're happy with him."

The news is less upbeat about the Champion Bumper favourite Alexander Milenium but Willie Mullins remains hopeful he will be able to get the horse, who pulled a shoe on Saturday, to Cheltenham.

"He is still quite sore and we had to take the shoe off him again. We will put a poultice on him tonight and hope it clears up in a day or two.

"It's not ideal timing but we did get a good bit of work into him last week and he is a horse who doesn't need a great deal of work. He is as fit as a flea and I'll be happy if we can just get a blow into him," Mullins said yesterday.

Moscow Flyer visited Leopardstown yesterday for a work out and pleased his connections ahead of the Arkle Trophy.

"It all went well - no slip ups," reported trainer Jessica Harrington. "He galloped two miles with Barry Geraghty and it went satisfactorily. He is in good form and if we get there in one piece, we'll be hopeful." Moscow Flyer remains a general 7 to 1 shot for the Arkle with most bookies.

Other festival news yesterday included the likely inclusion of the Paddy Power Chase winner I Can Imagine in the field for the Kim Muir.

The mare will be trainer Robert Tyner's second runner at the festival having sent an outsider to the Foxhunters some years ago.

Brian O'Connor

Brian O'Connor

Brian O'Connor is the racing correspondent of The Irish Times. He also writes the Tipping Point column