Lyttle and Cole still on target

THE three Irish crews at the Murcia European Olympic Qualification regatta in Spain yesterday improved their positions only marginally…

THE three Irish crews at the Murcia European Olympic Qualification regatta in Spain yesterday improved their positions only marginally at best, in spite of fresher conditions. Competitors in the three classes enjoyed 10 knot winds from, the north east - for race one, followed by 17 knots for the second race. The weekend's racing had been dogged by light and fluky conditions.

Denise Lyttle and Louise Cole remain in 11th place in the 470 fleet," inside the qualifying requirement. The pair were a relative latecomer to their campaign following Lyttle's, switch from the Europe class due to rival Aishling Bowman's superior results. Lyttle and Cole achieved their A Card Olympic Nomination Standard at Christmas and have been building their performance since.

Ironically, Bowman is on the borderline of qualification having improved her overall position from 17th on Sunday night to 15th yesterday evening.

But it is Belfast sailor John Driscoll who is giving most cause for worry, as he improved only one place - from 21st overnight in the 24 boat Finn fleet. Just two days remain in the regatta.

David Branigan

David Branigan

David Branigan is a contributor on sailing to The Irish Times