McDaid angers FAI

Dr James McDaid, the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Sport, was yesterday attempting to plot a way out of another minefield, …

Dr James McDaid, the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Sport, was yesterday attempting to plot a way out of another minefield, in a meeting with FAI officials in Dublin. McDaid, at the centre of a controversy over the arrangements for Michelle Smith's homecoming from the European swimming championships in August, lurched into another row when he agreed to see a delegation of Wimbledon FC officials last month.

They were on a public relations mission, designed to lobby support for moves to relocate the club in Dublin, a proposal which is highly inflammatory in the current sporting climate.

McDaid's action was construed as bestowing ministerial approval for the move but yesterday he was at pains to explain the meeting as a "courtesy".

Earlier, the FAI informed him of their implacable opposition to any such move which they contend, runs counter to the association's brief to promote and develop the game in Ireland.