Mourinho fumes over lost points

SOCCER/Chelsea 0 Blackburn 0: Chelsea will have the Champions League on their minds today but the hangover from their latest…

SOCCER/Chelsea 0 Blackburn 0:Chelsea will have the Champions League on their minds today but the hangover from their latest domestic hiccup will still be pounding. The FA, waiting on referee Howard Webb's match report, will consider whether to charge Jose Mourinho for his post-match protestations as he queried just why a perfectly valid goal from Salomon Kalou had been ruled out for offside. Yet, privately, the Portuguese might have more familiar concerns playing on his mind.

The scrubbing of Kalou's reward when he was quite clearly behind the full back Juliano Belletti's cross as it fizzed into the six-yard box actually exposed the deficiencies that continue to eat away at Andriy Shevchenko.

This was the Ukrainian's first appearance of the season for Chelsea, previously frustrated by back problems for his club if not his country, and it had been billed effectively as a trial for the 31-year-old to prove he belonged. Had he taken the few chances that fell to him, the disallowed goal would have mattered little. Instead, dwarfed by Christopher Samba and Ryan Nelsen, he cut a bewildered figure.

Brad Friedel denied him his clearest opening, a close-range header blocked with his legs, though the cleanest contact Shevchenko made all afternoon was with Samba's skull from the rebound. The Congolese defender departed on a stretcher, only regaining consciousness in an ambulance en route to hospital. Thankfully, he was later deemed fit enough to make the return flight to Lancashire, though, in truth, it is Shevchenko's club career which needs resuscitation. Lost amid the helter-skelter, the Ukrainian is running out of excuses.


Another chance was spurned by a heavy first touch, a ballooned header over the bar having set a troubled tone. Chelsea, without Didier Drogba and Frank Lampard, have now failed to score in their last two league games. Michael Essien was denied thrillingly by Brad Friedel, only exasperation remained. But there is an admirable stubbornness to Mark Hughes's side and this was a 15th game in all competitions without defeat. Robbie Savage's shot, turned over by Petr Cech, might have cost Chelsea a first home league defeat in 66 matches.

"We have lost important points," said Mourinho. "I knew the beginning of the season would be difficult because we played away against two candidates, Liverpool and Manchester United. We have a very difficult start compared to the other teams in contention."

Mourinho vented his frustration at the referee and his assistant, Peter Kirkup, at the final whistle. His foray on to the turf to remonstrate as the players retreated to the dressingrooms could now prompt a charge.

Referees' chief, Keith Hackett, will conduct an enquiry as to why Kalou was denied, though he, Webb and Kirkup privately concede that the decision was wrong after scrutinising re-runs.

"This was a decision so clear, so pure, so clean, it is like water," said Mourinho. Similar bafflement greeted the award to Chelsea of a penalty at Anfield last month. On that occasion, Hackett phoned the Liverpool manager, Rafael Benitez, to apologise. Mourinho indicated his phone would now be on to receive a similar admission.