Anglers returning to pre-pandemic activity with a real sense of eagerness

Angling Notes: Éanna De Buis registers first wild salmon for 2022 in Waterville, Co Kerry

Lough Lene, Castlepollard, Co Westmeath. Submissions are sought for new trout size limits and a bag limit. Photograph: Trip Advisor

The game angling season got under way last Tuesday on the great western lakes but due to the onset of storms Dudley and Eunice any worthwhile opening day celebrations were cancelled. However, with Covid on the back foot it is encouraging to hear that anglers and clubs around the country are beginning to return to pre-pandemic activity with a real sense of eagerness and optimism.

*It may have taken 28 days since opening day on Lough Currane but I’m sure the wait was worthwhile for Éanna De Buis to register the first wild salmon for 2022 in Waterville, Co Kerry.

The local angler caught a cracking 10lb fish while trolling last Sunday, and shortly after Cork angler Vincent Donnelly landed a nine pounder, also trolling. With the brown tag system in operation both fish were returned safely to the water.

“Last Sunday was really the first day conducive to any kind of boat fishing due to weather conditions, with a number of boats out on the lake. Up to that there was very little fishing,” according to ghillie Neil O’Shea.


*Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) is seeking submissions from interested parties in respect of a proposed new byelaw which would set a minimum length of 36cm (14 inches) for trout retained on Lough Lene, Collinstown, Co Westmeath, and set a bag limit of not more than two trout per day.

At present there is no minimum length for trout retained nor is there any bag limit. This new byelaw aims to assist with the sustainable management of the fishery by limiting the numbers of trout, of all sizes, being taken from the lake.

Submissions must be received in writing and please be aware that all submissions will be published on In addition, IFI is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1997 and therefore has to consider any request made to it under that Act.

Every effort will be made to comply with the Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003 and the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC.

Submissions should be marked ‘ERBD Byelaw Consultation’ and sent by post to the Director, Inland Fisheries Ireland Dublin, 3044 Lake Drive, Citywest, Dublin 24 or

The public consultation period will run for 14 days and closes at 5pm on Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022.

*At a recent sitting of Kilrush District Court in Ennis, Co Clare, John Linnane of Kilrush, was convicted under section 5 of the Non-Fatal Offences against the Person Act for threatening to cause serious harm to a fisheries officer. The incident occurred during an investigation into illegal fishing for wild salmon on June 1st, 2020.

Judge Larkin imposed a two-month suspended sentence and 100 hours of community service on Mr Linnane, pending the outcome of a probation report.

At an earlier court sitting in November 2021, Mr. Linnane pleaded guilty to illegal fishing for wild salmon on the same date on the Shannon Estuary in Co Clare and is awaiting sentencing for this conviction.

David McInerney, IFI’s director for the Shannon region, said: “Threatening to cause serious harm to an officer of the State is a very serious issue. We have to remember that the River Shannon is closed to salmon fishing because stocks are significantly below levels that maintain a healthy, sustainable population.”

To report suspicions of illegal fishing the public is encouraged to call IFIs confidential number 0818 34 74 24, which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

*If you have an angling story to share, please send to me at