Hearing over greyhound drug finding not going ahead on Friday

Findings relate to samples taken from Irish Derby winner Clonbrien Hero at three races

The findings of drug traces relate to samples taken from Irish Derby winner Clonbrien Hero at three races in Cork last June and July. File photograph: ThinkStock

The Irish Greyhound Board (IGB) undertook before the High Court not to hold a hearing on Friday over findings that a champion dog had traces of cocaine metabolite in its system, pending further proceedings.

Earlier this week, the court gave trainer Graham Holland, of Golden, Co Tipperary, permission to challenge the inquiry into findings concerning Irish Derby winner Clonbrien Hero.

The findings relate to samples taken from the dog at three races in Cork last June and July. Traces of the drug benzoylecgonine, which is the principal metabolite of cocaine, were found.

Mr Justice Donald Binchy granted lawyers for Mr Holland permission to challenge the inquiry on grounds including that Mr Holland has not been told what exactly the case against him was.


The judge adjourned until Friday an application to injunct an IGB control committee from going ahead with a hearing today to give the IGB an opportunity to attend court first.

On Friday, the court was told the IGB had undertaken that the control committee hearing would not go ahead. The matter was adjourned to January.