IABA ‘did everything within reason’ to meet Billy Walsh’s demands

Organisation release statement reacting furiously to the intervention of Sport Ireland

The IABA have stated they did everything within reason to retain the services of head coach Billy Walsh. Photograph: Inpho

The Irish Amateur Boxing Association has forcefully defended its role in the negotiations that led to Billy Walsh’s departure to America this week. In a lengthy statement, the IABA declared that Walsh’s resignation came as “hugely surprising and disappointing news” to the association and pointedly moved the focus of the issue onto money.

At a broader level, they also reacted furiously to the intervention of Sport Ireland, particularly chairman Kieran Mulvey’s threat of a funding review issued earlier in the week. “We will vigorously defend the disgraceful allegations made by Sport Ireland,” said the statement, “both directly in our future interactions with the agency, and reserve the right to take whatever further action we deem appropriate.”

On Walsh, the IABA laid out its side of the story. Having said in a Newstalk interview that there was an issue over bonus pools, they turned the focus onto Walsh and stated: “It is important to point out that in all of our dealings with Billy during this process, the vast majority of the discussions related to remuneration matters. To suggest otherwise, is a total misrepresentation of the facts.”

This is at odds with the explanation from Sport Ireland throughout the week that the financial end of things was not an issue and indeed that all funding for Walsh’s proposed salary of €95,000 plus bonuses was to be picked up by Sport Ireland.


“In late February of this year, Billy approached the Chairman and CEO of the IABA indicating that he had received an offer by Team USA to manage the women’s boxing team for what Billy himself termed as “crazy money”. From then on and up until his surprise resignation earlier this week, the IABA never sought to remove Billy from his post as head coach or to change the terms of his employment. In the interests of Irish boxing, we at no stage wanted Billy to leave his position.

“On 22 August a meeting took place and a draft proposal was presented by Sport Ireland to the IABA. In the interests of Irish boxing, the IABA attendees expressed their concerns with the draft proposal. We were given assurances at that point that those concerns would be addressed; however, what transpired was a different draft proposal.

“Notwithstanding this, the draft proposal was presented by the Chairman to the Board of the IABA on the 25 August, but no formal vote was taken as the Chairman was of the opinion that the vote would be negative, which would have made it more difficult for the organisation to retain Billy’s services as head coach. At this point, we received a communication from Sport Ireland indicating that they had no further role in this matter.

“Subsequently, through the good offices of Minister Michael Ring TD, a proposal was brokered by him that was agreed to in full by all parties and then presented to Billy and his advisors in mid September. Formal contracts then followed. Billy’s solicitors reverted with a series of suggested amendments to the contracts, many of which were acceded to by the IABA. Those contracts as amended were again forwarded to his solicitors. The next communication the IABA received was the resignation on 19 October.”

Whatever about the ins and outs of the Walsh situation, the most combative part of the IABA’s statement took aim at Sport Ireland and in particular Mulvey and John Treacy.

“The IABA was shocked by the very public attack on it and on Irish boxing, by the Chairman and CEO of Sport Ireland. An attack, that was totally disingenuous and plainly part of a campaign by a statutory state body to exercise control over the IABA’s High Performance Unit.

“This, we believe is yet another clear example of Sport Ireland’s officials seeking to go beyond their authority and its statutory mandate and act Ultra Vires their statutory power or remit. The agency has a track record and form in this regard and has paid dearly for it in the past.

“The Board of the IABA has full confidence in its leadership team, ably led by CEO, Fergal Carruth. The organisation abides and attests to best practice governance guidelines. The financial accounts of the organisation are fully audited and the IABA rejects in the strongest possible terms the unsubstantiated inferences by Sport Ireland that the IABA is not governed effectively. We hereby call upon the Chairman and CEO of Sport Ireland to unreservedly withdraw the derogatory comments and unsubstantiated allegations made by them against our CEO.

“We will vigorously defend the disgraceful allegations made by Sport Ireland, both directly in our future interactions with the agency, and reserve the right to take whatever further action we deem appropriate.

“This is a defence of Irish boxing against claims by individuals who have absolutely no experience, knowledge or credibility in this sport, a sport akin to the GAA that is driven at a local level by people passionate about their sport, who are providing the pipeline of boxers that will bring continued success to Ireland on the world stage.

"What we find most reprehensible is that Sport Ireland appears to have ulterior motives, does not have the best interests of Irish boxing at heart, has made unsubstantiated allegations, and we believe, have issued threats to funding Irish boxing that are fundamentally illegal and beyond its authority. The organisation was greatly relieved and heartened to hear the comments of Ministers Donoghue and Ring who have stated that there will be no reduction in the funding of Irish boxing arising out of the resignation of Billy Walsh. "

Malachy Clerkin

Malachy Clerkin

Malachy Clerkin is a sports writer with The Irish Times