Quotes of the week

"UEFA will think of some stupid way to draw it out

"UEFA will think of some stupid way to draw it out. They won't just draw one out of the hat and then the next one will they? That will be far too easy. They'll do some hifalutin, new-fangled way of drawing it out and make a cock up of it like they normally do."

-A relaxed Mick McCarthy looks forward to the draw for the Euro 2000 play-offs.

"He's ended up at Halifax - I think that tells its own story."

- Hearts spokesman Douglas Dalglish on goalkeeper Lee Butler who left Scottish football last week, claiming that it was second rate. "He's a bit of an historian, and can blind you with science. He often used to say to me


`Ah gaffer, but remember Leningrad!"'

- John Gregory reminiscing about life at Aston Villa with Mark Bosnich. Eh?

"I think the coppers should have grappled him and knocked his ****ing head off. What he did was scum. He's scum. A nasty man. It's the worst of all things. The lowest of the low. A disgrace."

- West Ham's Neil Ruddock shows there's no hard feelings after his runin with Patrick Vieira.

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times