Joe Schmidt expected to announce Ireland departure date on Monday

New Zealander says he has indicated his decision to IRFU and will announce it on Monday

Ireland head coach Joe Schmidt at a post-match press conference following the win over the USA. Photograph: Tommy Dickson/Inpho

Joe Schmidt suggested his time as Ireland coach will end after the 2019 World Cup following the 57-14 victory over the USA.

The 53-year-old New Zealander confirmed his decision was already made and that the IRFU have been informed.

“I’ve given them an indication and I just need to talk to people tomorrow and early next week and it will be made public,” said Schmidt at the post-match press conference.

“It might be frustrating for you guys but it is really wrecking my head. I just want it to be one or the other really.”


So the IRFU know your decision?

“A little bit, they have said don’t be rash, if you change your mind, we’d love to continue that conversation,” Schmidt answered before adding, “Or, if you change your mind and we don’t need to have a conversation, if we just continue as we are, that’s great. They have set out about five different scenarios just in case, so we can sort something out without too much drama.”

Schmidt has requested time with his family on Sunday before a statement is released. When asked if the four victories in November, including the special night last Saturday when New Zealand were beaten, has impacted on his decision making process he played down his role within the Ireland management.

“It’s a machine. I’m a small cog in this machine. I know I sound like a broken record but I am so confident that we have such a great group . . . the last month has been a huge collective effort.”

Final confirmation about Schmidt’s future is due Monday morning.

“I’m incredibly lucky to have the IRFU with the patience they have,” Schmidt added when asked about his role for the umpteenth time this week. “I agreed a certain time frame with them and I’ve stuck to that.”

The All Blacks head coach Steve Hansen is due to announce details about his position in the coming days on his return to New Zealand.