Jaco Taute champing at the bit to get game time for Munster

South African centre is back after knee injury and ready to play against Glasgow on Friday

Jaco Taute training with the Munster rugby squad at UL, Limerick. Photograph: Laszlo Geczo/Inpho

Jaco Taute has spent most of the past year studying financial management rather than playing rugby, but now all he wants to do is start counting the minutes of game-time for Munster.

The South African centre, signed the previous season after some serious performances during a four-month contract, suffered a serious knee injury against Cardiff last September and can't wait to make his return away to Glasgow on Friday evening.

The 27-year-old chalked up 26 appearances in that maiden season with Munster after being drafted in as cover by Rassie Erasmus, and he’s champing at the bit to get back out.

“It has been a long time and I’m not going to lie, it’s been difficult to come back from a serious injury. Luckily, I’ve been there before and I know what to expect and how to deal with the process. It’s been a long year but I’m fully fit,” said Taute, who has been capped three times by the Springboks.


He had spent a year out before with a knee injury and knew how much hard work needed to be put into rehab and getting back to match fitness.

But he also knew he needed something to fill the time – “or to stay off the PlayStation” – so he completed his degree in financial management from the University of South Africa.


“It’s great to be back and playing rugby and not just rehabilitating in the gym because that gets lonely.

“They keep you very busy when you are rehabilitating. You are here [in the High Performance Centre at UL] five days a week and they make sure you are on track, but in my spare time I did manage to study and that went well.”

He has had his centre partner Chris Farrell with him for company over the past six months on the recovery circuit, and that has been a help as they both try to deal with the frustration of being injured.

"Unfortunately he got injured when he was playing really well for Ireland so it was tough for him as well, but it's better in a situation like that that you can spend time together, vent with each other, work hard in the gym together and just talk sometimes – that helps.

I think it is always a special occasion when these two teams play each other

“Hopefully for him I was a big help while I was still injured and he’s also on track with his rehab. He also did his ACL, he’s also done that before, so he’s in good spirits because he knows what to do. He a big professional, big strong boy so he’ll also get through it,” added Taute.

Feisty encounter

He’s been to Scotstoun twice before with Munster in the league and Champions Cup and is expecting another feisty encounter with Glasgow, not least as there has been an edge to clashes between the sides in recent years.

Taute was impressed with the way Glasgow came back from nine points down with a man in the bin to edge out Connacht at the weekend.

“I think it is always a special occasion when these two teams play each other. They are a very good team and they’ve showed that in the way they played and the results they’ve achieved, so it will be tough.

“What impressed me at the weekend was they were nine points down, had a yellow card, and still managed to get the win. That’s the sign of a good team.

"They are a very good team – they have been performing. They went to the semi-final last year, they've been contending in Europe, so it's going to be a tough occasion for us but something we look forward to," he added.