Wanderers voice their concerns

The proposed redevelopment of Lansdowne Road hit a potential stumbling block this evening after Wanderers, one of two tenant …

The proposed redevelopment of Lansdowne Road hit a potential stumbling block this evening after Wanderers, one of two tenant clubs at the stadium, voiced their concerns to Dublin City Council.

The club, whose 'pavilion' is sited in the stadium, announced they have yet to reach an agreement with the IRFU for the provision of alternative facilities when the pavilion is demolished.

While maintaining they are not opposed to redeveloping the venue in principal, the club have made their concerns public.

"Wanderers has requested Dublin County Council to take their concerns into consideration before any decision is taken on the planning application," a statement released this evening read.


"The decision to submit an observation was unanimously approved by the Board of Wanderers because, despite repeated efforts, no agreement has been reached as yet with the IRFU regarding the proposed demolition of the Wanderers Pavilion and the provision of alternative facilities.

"The proposed development of Lansdowne Road involves the demolition of the Wanderers Pavilion  - despite the fact that the current licence runs until 2017. Wanderers also has a licence for the use of the playing pitches."

The IRFU responded by issuing a statement of it's own, expressing the organisation's disappointment that the current impasse had been brought into the public arena "despite lengthy negotiations and the offer of a very generous compensation package".

The main features of this package are outlined below:
A replacement, fully equipped clubhouse within the existing Lansdowne Road grounds.

* Complimentary use of a hospitality suite for international rugby matches throughout the lifespan of the new stadium.

* Financial compensation for loss of income to cover the period during which the club will not have the use of Lansdowne Road because of its re-construction.

* An offer to provide financial grant to make improvements to Wanderers’ Merrion Road clubhouse and grounds.

* An extension of licence agreement beyond 2017 at Lansdowne Road for the life span of the new stadium.

Work on the €365 million redevelopment of the stadium is scheduled to start early next year, subject to planning permission, with the project due to be completed within 27 months.

Noel O'Reilly

Noel O'Reilly

Noel O'Reilly is Sports Editor of The Irish Times