Schmid clears air then clears off

Fritz Schmid, the fitness coach at the centre of the recent Tottenham uncertainty, left Britain yesterday confident he will gain…

Fritz Schmid, the fitness coach at the centre of the recent Tottenham uncertainty, left Britain yesterday confident he will gain a work permit on appeal but promising that Christian Gross will remain at the club whatever happens.

Schmid formally shook hands with all the Spurs players and the head coach at the training ground yesterday and headed back to Switzerland to await news of his appeal against the Department of Employment's original refusal.

Speaking for the first time since Gross appeared to threaten resignation over the department's veto, Schmid said: "Christian Gross is fully committed to Tottenham and will stay with them even if I cannot get a work permit."

Of Gross's apparent prevarication last Sunday, Schmid said: "His interest in saying what he did was to show a certain loyalty to me. Which I appreciate, of course, but at the same time, others would have liked him to show deeper commitment to Tottenham, which I also appreciate."


Of other reported problems at Tottenham, Schmid added: "People have interpreted these too harshly. Christian had to take over a team in the middle of the season, in a certain position and with certain difficulties.

"Also, when you change the manager there are new ideas coming in. So everyone has to adapt to each other and this process doesn't take two days but a few months. But the players took up training again today in good spirits and are responding well."

As for all the publicity, Schmid added tactfully: "Maybe Christian has read a few things of which he didn't approve."

Schmid added that while he is in Switzerland - under department rules he must leave the country while his appeal is heard - "I am going to provide Tottenham with all the necessary information to work on the appeal.

"Tottenham are making a big effort and I think there is a good chance to obtain the permit. But the club need to clear up some of the evidence they originally gave. For instance, the department talked about my lack of international reputation. But I have coached for FIFA, and also I was alongside Christian during Grasshoppers' champions league games of the last few seasons.

"Also, I don't know if it was clear to the department that I have a university degree in fitness."