Season to remember

What a season it has been for Mary Lapthorne of Charleville

What a season it has been for Mary Lapthorne of Charleville. It has been one success after another and she has steadily brought down her handicap. Her dislays over the past number of weeks were recognised by the club and she finished the season as Golfer of the Year, although it wasn't until the last week of competition that she managed to secure that honour.

Mary only joined the club in September of last year, yet she only began playing competitive golf earlier this year, and that was off a handicap of 41. Gradually, however, her handicap began to fall. By playing in the ladies singles competitions each week at the club, she was soon playing off 35, an achievement which earned her a place on the Duhallow Shield side.

But at the start of this month things really began to happen for her. On September 6th, playing in an open singles she recorded a superb score of 49 points, primarily because of a fabulous back nine of 30 points to reduce her handicap by a further five shots.

Then four days later competing in the Ladies Club Day she was celebrating another fine score, this time a 43 points total, which secured her the Little Solace Cup.