Leeds United continue media blackout after heavy Brighton loss

Steve Evans could become the seventh sacking of Massimo Cellino’s two years in charge

Leeds United boss Steve Evans has been instructed not to speak to the media after Monday night’s defeat to Brighton. Photograph: PA

A media blackout remained at Leeds on Tuesday afternoon as questions continued to be asked about Steve Evans' future.

High-ranking club officials instructed Evans not to speak to the media after Monday’s 4-0 capitulation at Brighton, giving weight to the suggestion he could be the seventh manager to lose his job during owner Massimo Cellino’s two years in charge.

Cellino is reported to have left Brighton’s AMEX Stadium at half-time — by which time Leeds were already four goals down — and has so far declined to comment as to what his next move will be.

The Italian, who is currently awaiting an appeal date after a second Football League disqualification for tax evasion, has found himself at the centre of protests from a large number of fans over recent months.


Angered by a perceived lack of investment in the team coupled with a long list of off-the-field dramas, the ‘Time To Go Massimo’ group projected a number of anti-Cellino messages on to the side of Elland Road’s East Stand during last month’s draw with Middlesbrough, with further protests planned for this Saturday’s meeting with Bolton.

Evans has presided over 25 games since replacing Uwe Rosler in October and has regularly spoken about his long-term vision for the job, despite only being contracted until the end of the season.

So far since his acrimonious takeover of Leeds, Cellino has dismissed Brian McDermott (twice), Dave Hockaday, Darko Milanic, Neil Redfearn and Uwe Rosler.