Uefa may extend Champions League to 64

Soccer: A proposal to abolish the Europa League and double the size of the Champions League to 64 clubs is among a number of…

Soccer:A proposal to abolish the Europa League and double the size of the Champions League to 64 clubs is among a number of changes to European competitions being considered by Uefa.

The European governing body is pondering changes to both their club competitions and will make a decision in 2014.

Another proposal being looked at is to award Champions League qualification to the winners of the Europa League, and possibly even the runners-up too, in a bid to boost interest in the second-tier competition.

Uefa president Michel Platini confirmed the proposal for a 64-club Champions League is being looked at.


In an interview with French newspaper Ouest-France, he said: “There is an ongoing debate to determine what form the European competitions will take between 2015 and 2018. We talk, and we will make a decision in 2014. There is nothing decided yet.”

A 64-club competition would see as many as seven English clubs and five Scottish teams entering at various stages of the qualifying rounds.