Sportspeak: The week in quotes

"It was a very good passing maneouvre. Michael obviously didn't see him."

"It was a very good passing maneouvre. Michael obviously didn't see him."

- Eddie Irvine delivers his interpretation of the final twist to the Formula One season.

"This is not a game for nancy-boys, there can be no place for them - we are playing for the World Cup, not a peanut."

- Belgian manager Georges Leekens before Wednesday's match at Lansdowne Road.


"There will be a lot of crosses, Ray Houghton will run and run and run, and Tony Cascarino will be a danger - even when he's dead he'll be picking the right moment and scoring from his grave."

- Leekens again on the threat he anticipated the home side to pose before the same game.

"I said we would come here and attack and score. Now do you believe me?"

- That Leekens fella again, referring to something he claims to have slipped in amidst the laughter at his previous press conference.

"I'm happy with the oneone draw. I know they are a better side, but some people built them up the other way. They have played as well as they can tonight, we certainly haven't."

- Mick McCarthy remains optimistic after the game.