Sunday Speak ... What they said

McGinley, the record breaker "I've got to say this is the pinnacle. It's the proudest moment of my life

McGinley, the record breaker"I've got to say this is the pinnacle. It's the proudest moment of my life. It was a great victory margin again but I'll be having a word with Paul (McGinley) later about that."- Captain Ian Woosnam expressing his delight but quick to add a jibe for if McGinley hadn't been so gracious and offered JJ Henry a halved match it would have been a record margin.

"Yes, it (record) had crossed my mind but you know, it was a gesture and it was done in the right spirit."

- McGinley's more than adequate response.

Full to empty in 10 seconds flat


Reporter: "Darren, what did you make of Woosie's attempt at downing the pint of Guinness?"

Clarke: "He took 10 seconds too long!"

Woosnam: "A 10th quicker than you, you mean, and I'll prove it to you now, if you want."

Clarke: "I'm a little bit younger than you, be careful."

Woosnam: "There's nothing like experience."

Clarke: "If you keep up with me you'll be doing all right."

Woosnam: "We'll see about that."

Cold comfort getting club back

Reporter: "Who found your nine-iron?"

Woods: "The diver and he was wearing a wet-suit, which is understandable here, the water's not real warm here, not like Florida . . . I guess the diver must have been European."

- Woods after only getting his iron back nine holes later at the 15th.

Next question please . . . .

"I guess my first response to that is, it's a little insulting."

- US captain Tom Lehman, quick to knock down any suggestion of there being a lack of competitiveness within the American team.

Sweet taste of success

"There's nothing sweeter than beating the Americans."

- Sergio Garcia being his usual diplomatic self in front of the microphone.