Survey of disabled in sport planned

A national survey is to be undertaken to ascertain the number of people with disabilities, who are actively involved in sport…

A national survey is to be undertaken to ascertain the number of people with disabilities, who are actively involved in sport in this country. The survey is being organised by Sport For Disabled Ireland (SDI) which was established some years ago at the behest of the European Commission.

Its primary purpose will be to identify the numbers of disabled people participating in sport, either on a competitive or passive basis and, equally important, quantify, the numbers with no involvement at all.

The findings may also establish if there is a co-relation between employment and participation in sport by the disabled. Launching the survey which is grant aided, Dr Jim McDaid, Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation, said that he was delighted to be associated with a project involving "the most truly heroic of all those who engage in sport".