The Rocky Road To The Top

The Present

The Present

O'Grady trains in a windowless sweat-room full of evaporated fluids and humming canvas. To the uninitiated it is a chamber of horrors . . .

O'Grady has to spar with his brother, who recently broke his hand on Cathal's head. The cheapest sparring partners cost £400 a week with flights and accommodation extra.

The Future


O'Grady says: "It will take a couple of years with all the setbacks and all, broken hands, broken arms, things you can't take into account now."

O'Grady says: It's a case of getting guys who suit my style. There are some boxers I'll never look good beating. The thing at the beginning is to make me look good in all the fights. So I'm expected to win because they are pretty much chosen opponents."