Vinnie Roe not to be committed before downpour

RACING/Melbourne Cup News: Dermot Weld could have to wait until the very eve of the race before finally deciding if Vinnie Roe…

RACING/Melbourne Cup News: Dermot Weld could have to wait until the very eve of the race before finally deciding if Vinnie Roe will join Media Puzzle in the Irish challenge for the Melbourne Cup tomorrow morning.

Australia's most famous race is run in the early hours of tomorrow morning Irish time and after travelling to the other side of the world there still remains some uncertainty about how many runners Weld will have.

Flemington racecourse has been drying out significantly over the weekend and if it gets too fast there is a good chance Vinnie Roe will not be allowed take his chance.

Weld will inspect the track on the morning of the big race and stressed yesterday that the welfare of the horse will be paramount.


"We obviously want to run, that's why we're here," he said. "But if it is firm, and if there is no rain, I will have to make a difficult decision. But it will be made in the best interests of the horse."

The good news yesterday evening was that showers are forecast for the Melbourne area and the Flemington authorities are planning to put three millimetres of water on the course.

Media Puzzle (Damien Oliver) will run whatever the conditions and the Weld pair have received good draws in stalls 10 and 11.

Vinnie Roe was fourth to his stable companion two years ago and the four-time Leger winner's rider Pat Smullen remains hopeful of doing better than that this time - if he is given the chance.

"To repeat his St Leger win every year he has to keep getting that little bit better," he said. "We don't want a deluge, just a bit of cut in it. Even with top weight, hopefully he can carry it and win a race he deserves to win."