CAO Change of Mind

It’s not too late to change your course choice

‘I had this crazy notion that I wanted to be a fashion designer’. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

Welcome to the Irish Times’ 2nd Level email digest! With Leaving Cert 2019 fast approaching chances are you have already settled on what you would like to do after school. You will have completed your CAO application with your list of preferred courses by now of course but you still have time to reconsider in case you are considering a change of mind.

In this special CAO email digest we feature articles written by Irish Times education journalists and careers experts that might be of interest as you look ahead to life after the Leaving Cert. Have a read and if you have any queries or suggestions feel free to send an email to with ‘2nd Level ’ in the subject line.

Sonya Lennon: 'I had this crazy notion that I wanted to be a fashion designer' Read more here.

CAO decision time: Picking the right course. Careers expert Brian Mooney outlines how you can go about choosing the best course and the right college for you. Read more here.


Who decided to follow the intense pressure of the Leaving Cert with a few weeks to finalise your college application? Now that is a good question! Peter McGuire has drawn up 12 tips for the undecided so, if you are unsure about your course choice you still have time to amend your selection, read more here.

As soon as your exams are out of the way and before you head off with your friends to celebrate the end of your school days, it'll be time to review your course choices - and get them right. Here's some advice on how to handle the CAO process. Read more here.

Last year was Bliain na Gaeilge when the Irish language was celebrated across the world. More and more people are working in the first language of the State and it is no surprise that the surge in jobs which require the language has led to an increase in the number of courses available as Gaeilge. Read more here.

Interested in Teaching? Read more here.

Interested in Science? Read more here.

Interested in Arts? Read more here.