Coronavirus shutdown

News, views and opinions from Student Hub contributors and Irish Times writers

Speaking to the media at Dr Steeven's Hospital, Dublin, HSE CEO Paul Reid said the plan for dealing with the Covid 19 pandemic 'delay phase' in Ireland was now being implemented. Video: John Cassidy

Coronavirus shutdown: what does it all mean and how concerned should I be?

Information about our emerging new reality and plans to slow the spread of Covid-19. Read more here.

Sam McConkey: Closing schools a good start but much more is needed: The World Health Organisation (WHO) has officially declared Covid-19 a pandemic. We are now all faced with an unprecedented problem – a "once-in-a-century event", as Bill Gates put it. Read more here.

HSE in talks with hotels over isolation beds: Citizens to avoid non-essential travel to Spain and those returning to restrict movements for fortnight. Read more here.


Freagracht ar chách an pobal a chosaint: Is iomaí foláireamh atá tugtha dúinn i dtaobh an ráig-ghalair coróinvíreas le roinnt seachtainí anuas. Read more here.

Young straight people have apparently completely forgotten how to do sex: The crisis in heterosexuality is well under way now. Young straight people have apparently completely forgotten how to do sex. Consequently their parents' generation, now television producers, are encouraging them to breed with the help of camera crews and easily franchisable dating formats. Read more here.

Chelsea Manning must be immediately released from prison, judge orders: A US federal judge on Thursday ordered that former US soldier and WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning should be immediately released from prison, where she was being held for refusing to testify in an ongoing US investigation of WikiLeaks. Read more here.

Schools, colleges and childcare facilities may shut well beyond March 29th: All schools, pre-schools and further and higher education settings may end up shutting well beyond March 29th to support efforts to contain the coronavirus threat. Read more here.

English head, Irish heart: how a deserted cottage inspired me to write: For as long as I can remember I have been drawn to water. There is something about being close to the edge of a lake or by a seashore or riverbank that speaks to some primordial part of me and settles my soul. Read more here.