Covid-19 and Erasmus, Sally Rooney, Sceitimíní uafáis

News, views and opinions from Student Hub contributors and Irish Times writers

David McWilliams: Solving the economic crisis we find ourselves in due to Covid-19 is actually quite simple

How COVID-19 affected Irish Erasmus students studying abroad

As the coronavirus pandemic caused a clampdown on international travel, Irish students studying abroad had to make decisions fast. Read more here.

Normal People: Putting Sally Rooney’s novel on the small screen

On a Friday afternoon last July, the interior of a Dublin school couldn't have contrasted more with the beating sun outside. Grey uniforms, grey lockers, grey breeze block walls. Read more here.


Taighde le Dealramh

Is minic mé ar sceitimíní uafáis maidir leis an taighde a dhéanann forais éagsúla, ollscoileanna san áireamh. Read more here.

David McWilliams: Health crisis has now become a wealth crisis

Economics is not a cult. It is not a set of definitive, unchanging rules. It is not a religion. There is no creed. There are no believers and there is no dogma. While there are clubs or factions, membership of those is optional. Read more here.

Una Mullally: The rhymes between HIV/Aids and Covid-19 are multiple

"Illness is the night side of life, a more onerous citizenship. Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship, in the kingdom of the well and in the kingdom of the sick". Read more here.

‘A great experience’: Dublin student’s team wins University Challenge

A Dubliner studying for a PhD in computer science at Imperial College, London, was a member of the four-man team that won the final of the BBC's University Challenge on Monday. Read more here.

An leor 17,000 duine chun an Ghaeltacht a shlánú?

Is iomaí tuar, taighde agus tuarascáil a foilsíodh leis na blianta anuas inar tugadh rabhadh géar do mhuintir na hÉireann faoi thodhchaí lom na Gaeilge agus na Gaeltachta. Read more here.