Have your say: How is remote learning affecting students’ mental health?

There has been a surge in demand for support on campus - but some feel colleges are not doing enough

We’re asking students to share their experiences -- and we’ll publish your responses soon.

Even in normal times college is a stressful time with exams, assessments and deadlines. Coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic and Level 5 restrictions, students are suffering more than ever.

Some colleges say demand for mental health support has doubled while the Union of Students of Ireland (USI) says extra supports and flexibility are urgently needed.

How are you coping? Are you suffering from isolation? Do you find remote learning difficult? Have you had a chance to set foot on campus yet? Is your college doing enough to support students?

We’re asking students to share their experiences -- and we’ll publish your responses soon.


In the meantime, the USI has produced some simple tips to follow if you are feeling under strain and don’t know where to turn.

usi.ie/covid/minding-your-mental-health-during-covid-19/Opens in new window ]