Have your say: How would you change the Leaving Cert?

Students say senior cycle pressure is causing stress, burnout and mental health problems

Many students say the Leaving Cert is causing stress, burnout and mental health problems. Photograph: The Irish Times

The pressure of the Leaving Cert is causing stress, burnout and mental health problems among students, according to an official review of senior cycle education in secondary schools.

Students taking part in consultations by the State’s advisory body on the school curriculum have expressed frustration over trying to juggle homework, study, sport and part-time work.

Some say it has “crushed their creativity” because the exams reward rote learning and suit those who can “ learn and regurgitate things on a page”.

Many others have complained of sleep disruption and not having time to meet friends.


The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment’s (NCCA) is currently reviewing the senior cycle and Leaving Cert.

So, what do you think?

Should students have more or fewer subjects to choose from?

More continuous assessment and fewer high stakes-exams - or vice versa?

Should our system be split into academic and vocational streams at second level, as is the case in much of Europe?

Join the debate at The Irish Times second level Student Hub and we'll publish your responses over the coming days.

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